

Innotiimi-ICG asiakkaan sanoin

»We have used different options of the Orchidea idea management tools since 2012. We process our ideas and initiatives with Orchidea and we like its functionality. Innotiimi-ICG introduced Orchidea Brainstorming to us some time ago and we see good potential in the digital brainstorming method to gain input to develop our operations, products and services both internally and together with business partners. Innotiimi-ICG’s OPERA workshop tool has been in use in our factories for over ten years and now we had the first sessions with the new digitalized APERA process. It improves the traditional process of OPERA and this makes our workshops more efficient. The participants of Orchidea Brainstorming and the APERA process have been very satisfied and reported: »this was the best meeting in a long time.«
jukka rantamäki small

Jukka Rantamäki

Development manager, business development at Metsä Fibre

»We have used the Orchidea environment as an innovation tool for some time now. Last spring we wanted to bring up to 50 employees to the same brainstorming and idea creation session. We were supposed to participate in strategy implementation by focusing on certain key areas. Since day one, it was clear that this could not be done through regular meetings and small-group assignments. We had earlier used the tools from Innotiimi-ICG and I knew the potential that they obtained. Not only measuring the amount of ideas that can be generated as a result but also considering the added value that can be generated with participative work methods. My first idea was that we would run an OPERA session and see where it ends us. But actually Innotiimi-ICG guys came up with an improved proposal: we would use the digital platform called Orchidea Brainstorming for this. The end result exceeded the expectations when it comes to the amount of ideas. Even better, after the brainstorming session all chosen ideas were already developed further and taken to the next level. They are not only ideas or topics anymore (which is the typical state after a traditional session), they are real cases that can immediately be taken forward as parts of the strategy implementation. In case you want to know more, please do not hesitate to contact me.«
»Vahvat näytöt lean-prosessikehittämisestä.«

Timo Lehto

Kehitysjohtaja, Veho Oy

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